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Gina Conquest

I have the deed to the Bell lots (C1 and C2) dated December1,1964. The deed names the Mt. Riga Cemetery Association, Inc (“a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut”).
“in consideration of fifty dollars received to its full satisfaction of Joseph D. Bell and Elizabeth B. Bell, their heirs and assigns forever, the hereinafter described Burial Lots fully, situated in the Town of Salisbury, on Mt. Riga, which Burial Lots appear on the map entitled ‘Map of Portion of Land Belonging to Mt. Riga, Inc., layout of cemetery plots, Taconnick Mountain – Town of Salisbury – Connecticut, Scales 1″ equals 10’, August 1964, by Charles P. Hurley, Engineer, Winsted, Conn.”
I also have something from the Salisbury Town Clerk “recording Oct 2, 1972, Burial Lot Deed #C1 & #C2. Mt. Riga Cemetery Assn., Inc.”
Maybe the second recording came after the town hall burned?
I hope this answers some questions. For the time being, I am the contact person for these lots.
Gina Bell Conquest